Schools of Kung fu are often generalized as either Hard (External) or Soft (Internal) schools. External styles include Shaolin, Hung Gar, various animal styles and more. Internal styles include Tai Chi Chuan, Xing Yi Quan, Bagua Zhang, and Yi Quan. For more information on Kung Fu styles check the links on the resources page.
Internal exercises (Nei Dan)are the focus of styles such as Tai Chi and BaGua Zhang. They are based on the practice of Qi. Read more about Qi Gong here.
Most schools of Kung Fu incorporate varying combinations of warm-up and stretching exercises, forms, application, partner exercises, and meditative Qigong. The origin of these exercises is thousands of years old, and they continue to be practiced for their efficacy in training the body as well as the mind.
These many different systems of Kung Fu can lead to many different types of skill, such as Chan Ssu jin (Silk reeling energy), Ting Jin(Lightness skill) or the more widely known Iron Shirt or Iron Palm technique. These require years, and often decades, of dedicated practice to reach the highest skills. But many skills cannot be learned without proper instruction. Experienced, qualified instructors are able to 'transmit' understanding of skills to students, but this requires hands-on learning and regular study. The many details of any system require time and an experienced eye to guide a student from the beginning fundamentals to advanced practice.
Another important component of all martial arts is the philosophy behind the system, as well as its culture of origin. As a cornerstone of China's cultural heritage and philosophy, the concept of Yin and Yang displayed in the Tai Chi(Grand Ultimate) dates back thousands of years. Yin and Yang represent not just the idea of duality but a dynamic, complementary and indivisible whole. The concept of Yin and Yang has been incorporated into countless martial arts systems worldwide. The chart below lists some aspects of Yin and Yang philosophy as they are applied within the art of Tai Chi Chuan(Supreme Ultimate Fist).
Tai Chi is born of Wu-chi(stillness) and is the mother of yin and yang. In motion they separate; In stillness they become one.
Tai Chi Classics II by Wong Chung-yua
Contact: spokanekf@gmail.com
All potential students should note, while most teachers spend many years studying their discipline under a qualified instructor, the availability of knowledge on the internet/videos has created a number of teachers who have received little or no formal training. While it is not uncommon to rely on video instruction, using it as a basis for understanding and practice results in many flaws in form and understanding that can be passed to students, and is detrimental to the education and health of students and the art itself, in some cases this can result in injury. Spokane Kung Fu believes that while the internet is a useful tool for many students, it is no replacement for learning directly from an experienced and properly trained instructor. We encourage anyone interested in learning martial arts to thoroughly research any potential teacher's background to verify that they themselves have learned DIRECTLY under a qualified instructor for 5-10 years or more. Never be afraid to ask questions, and if you are uncomfortable with any instruction given, speak to your teacher about it. While martial arts can be a challenging endeavor, deliberately hurting or being hurt by others is contrary to the spirit of learning, respect, and self control that lies at the heart of the study of martial arts. PRACTICE SMART AND PRACTICE SAFELY.